To 2018..

ART-by-MYSTICMAMMA-allrightsreservedWell here I am at the beginning of yet another year. This interval point for me most often signifies a symbolic juncture point into another phase in which I wipe the slate clean. I usually choose to set positive intentions for the 12 months ahead and attempt to ensure that these are not just resolutions but action points to guide me on the journey that awaits me.

This year has been no different. However I have attempted to take a slightly different approach than I usually do. This year I choose to focus on concepts and leave the interpretation of how I live these out quite broad. So as not to get half way through the year and feel utterly demoralised because the positivity in which I started the year off on has somehow been thrown out the window due to unforeseen hardships. The truth being that facing hardship and obstacles are the only real truths in our lives. So with all this in mind I’ve scribbled down the following intentions for 2018:

  • Heal
  • Exercise
  • Write
  • Love
  • Advocate
  • Laugh
  • Travel
  • Lead

I’ve deliberately put ‘heal’ at the top of the list as it applies to me in so many different but intersecting ways. Late last year it was made obvious to me that I am my own harshest critic and that this one element is holding me back the most in life. I began to realise that it wasn’t that I didn’t or don’t believe in myself, in fact it’s the opposite; I believe in my capability and self-worth so much that I am judging myself against an unfair set of standards against my progress. I started to understand that I needed to accept myself in all my glory in the here and now and not delay my acceptance to a future better version of me.

For this reason I am I total convert to the practice of daily affirmations. So FYI, these are mine for the year ahead:

  • I am
  • I am enough
  • I am the person I have been searching for
  • I am the warrior, equipped with the drive to direct my own ship, ward off competitors, and define myself
  • I am the pioneer and the leader of the vision born through me and laid out upon the horizon of my mind’s eye
  • I am confident in my capacity to be an active participant in shaping my own reality
  • Attuning to my own song and my own vibration, summoning the strength to step forward, I imprint my own unique footprint upon my journey forward
  • I wait for no one in the realisation of the destiny that beckons me

I utter these affirmations with a spirit of kindness, gratitude and acceptance. For the year ahead I innately trust and believe in myself and my unique path ahead. Towards a joyous, prosperous 2018 filled with laughter and love.


*Image courtesy of the amazing, ethereal, dope Mystic Mamma.

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